Lights are a vital part of your home space and are one of the first things potential buyers will notice. Proper lighting can transform a room, making it feel larger than before. It can change the way you feel – not to mention how your loved ones and friends feel upon visiting.
Improve Your Mood
Light is indelibly connected to the human mood. Certain time spent in the sunlight has been scientifically proven to be important for mental health. Therapy lamps are even available to be prescribed by therapists, replicating sunlight being shone into an individual’s retinas. Without even realizing it, your dimly lit spaces may be making you feel down or depressed. By adding clear, direct lighting to your home, you can create a far more comforting space. Use natural light as well if you want to maximize how good a well-lit room can make you feel. You’ll be able to see better and complete tasks better at nighttime as well.
Increase Curb Appeal at Night
An increase in tasteful lighting can help your home appear far better during the night. There are many ways you can go about this – lanterns, a string of aesthetically-pleasing bulbs, or even a firepit are a couple of examples of what you can use. You don’t want to have so much light that it can be obnoxious to your neighbors, but you do want enough that it can be more comfortable, safe, and stylish for yourself. There is even a practical angle to consider – motion-activated lights help keep your property safe, after all. Make sure to install lighting in such a way that your home is an unappealing target for thieves and vandals.
Update Your Electrical System
One of the biggest turn-offs about installing plenty of new lighting might be the fact that it would be expensive. And, on paper, that’s not untrue – it will be a significant investment if you want to transform the lighting of your house. However, if you research and plan the renovation in the right way, you can actually save money in the long term. Updated and energy-efficient light bulbs and fixtures will save you money on your bill while simultaneously lighting your rooms more than previous bulbs. While expensive, they will last you for years – eventually recouping the purchase through energy savings.
Take a critical look at the most important rooms in the house. What is the current lighting like? How does it make you feel? If it’s lacking, don’t hesitate to start researching what your alternative lighting options are. You might be surprised just how much better everything feels after the improvement, which will majorly improve your home’s value.